Friday, August 16, 2013

      They say "don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened" but I think it is okay to do both.
Goodbyes are never easy. And while some are harder than others, none of them are fun. To say goodbye to someone you know you will see again and everything between you will be the same no matter what, is sad but it makes it easier knowing it isn't forever. With others, you may be pretty confident in staying in touch and seeing again and acting the same but maybe not 100% sure - those are tough.
When you say goodbye to someone you have grown so close to that you forget what it's like without them there, it is obviously going to be difficult. You may not still keep in touch and even if you do, it may never be the same again. With this type of goodbye, you really never know what could happen!! This really makes the transition challenging. College is supposed to be an exciting, irreplaceable experience! And although it is, it may be heavy in the beginning because of things like goodbyes. 
But as we are sad about leaving our family and friends at home, it is the time of our lives to create new friendships without forgetting or letting go of the old. It is the time for us to experience something completely new. It is our time to focus on us.  So while I know it is painful to let go and to say goodbye, smile through it. It is okay to be sad, but do not let it ruin one day of this new adventure!
Tomorrow I leave from the home I grew up in since I was 3 years old at 5:30am. And while I say "see you later" to my mom, dad, brother, dog, and any special inanimate objects around the house with a tear, I am overfilled with joy and excitement to discover what is in store for me & my friends as we flip the page to the next chapter of our lives. 
Just remember; if a goodbye is hard, that simply means you were very lucky to have had something so hard to say goodbye to. 
Next up: move in day!

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